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Alt 21.09.2023, 21:33
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AW: Problem with MM V

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The "problem zone" with corrosion (!) has nothing to do with HG550 modification.

Some part of modification you can see in the upper-left corner of the first picture. There is a region of three solderpads. The connection of middle and right pad is opened and left to middle one has been soldered.

Ich würde das Teil wenn möglich zurückschicken.

I would send the part back if possible.
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Alt 21.09.2023, 21:42
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Re: Problem with MM V

Sadly I do not have another modular board to try.

These 2 points on the board have a hairline connection. Do they have to be connected nor not in your experience?

Eprom corruption is possible because when I first opened the module, one side of the Eprom was slightly raised but of course I had already tried to run it.

If any member in the forum is willing to help me with a
pre programmed eprom, I will gladly pay for it.

If I purchase a new 65C02 from ebay, does it matter
if the speed is higher then 3MHz or try to get the same speed.

Thanks again everyone.

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Alt 24.09.2023, 01:55
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AW: Problem with MM V

You should clean everything a little and then rework the critical soldering points with a soldering station, not with a normal soldering iron at mains voltage! Static Overvoltage possible.
However, the right of return would then expire.
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Murat (24.09.2023)
Alt 24.09.2023, 04:36
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Re: Problem with MM V

Hi Udo,

the seller issued a full refund and asked me to keep the module.

I don't own a hot air soldering station. Perhaps I should get one.

I like to get this module working. I will order a cpu first then
I will try to get a pre programmed eprom from a member here if anyone is able to help with it.

All the best
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Alt 26.09.2023, 02:20
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AW: Problem with MM V

Then everything is fine. I didn't mean a hot air station, but a normal soldering station.
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu udo für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Murat (26.09.2023)
Alt 26.09.2023, 02:41
Benutzerbild von udo
udo udo ist offline
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AW: Problem with MM V

Meine Güte, sind halbwegs vernünftige Lötstationen teuer geworden!

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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu udo für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Murat (26.09.2023)
Alt 27.09.2023, 00:00
Benutzerbild von udo
udo udo ist offline
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AW: Problem with MM V

Was ich noch anmerken wollte, eine Lötstation für Elektronikarbeiten sollte einen ESD Schutz haben.

"Protection against electrostatic discharge".

Oder eben tatsächlich mit Heißluft. Womöglich ist Heißluft besser, um einen kompletten Chip auszulöten. ?

Hier noch zum Abschluß 2 Beispiele

ESD Lötstation:


Geändert von udo (27.09.2023 um 00:07 Uhr)
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu udo für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Murat (27.09.2023)


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