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Alt 21.03.2020, 16:35
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paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
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Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Hi all,

A few weeks ago our French forum member Tibono posted on Hiarcs about his work on the programmable features of the Krypton/Systema Challenge.
As mentioned previously, I am also very interested in this Horvath program and used the setting "All feature-values 20" in two user tournaments, one with the CXG Sphinx Concerto, and one with the tuned Krypton Challenge.
I have been thinking about testing with different settings, and now Tibono comes up with a well motivated new setting. So I decided to go for a number of testgames.
With my "all features 20" setting I got reasonable results against the Saitek Turbo Advanced Trainer and the Simultano. So I think that with the right settings it might be well above the 1800 (active) elo. And I chose the Rebell 5.0 with elo 1872 as its first "victim" .
According to the Aktivschach_Elo_Liste_2017.pdf the Rebell played 23 games against the Challenge (+ 11,= 6,- 6). Let us see what happens...

NB: As Tibono's English is better than his German, I will do these posts in English, also taking account the possible USA followers.
NB2: I forgot to mention that all games are played at level 30 secs/move, unless otherwise mentioned.

Best regards,
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein

Geändert von paulwise3 (21.03.2020 um 17:26 Uhr) Grund: NB2
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Alt 21.03.2020, 17:17
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paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
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AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Game 1: White plays a rather passive opening, and while trying to compensate for that, one of it's rooks goes astray (19.Rb5?), and has to trade it for a bishop. Black has no trouble in converting the game to a win.

Game 2: In the battle for the center, white makes a tactical mistake with 16.Nce2? And after another suboptimal move (19.Ne6?) the material loss becomes even more. Black continues with risky play to get more advantage, but succeeds.

Krypton Challenge (Tibono settings) - Mephisto Rebell 5.0 1 - 1

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.19"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A28"]
[PlyCount "128"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 (3... e4 4. Ng5) 4. e3 d5 {** first computed move} 5. cxd5
{** first computed move} Nxd5 6. Nxd5 Qxd5 7. d3 Bg4 8. a3 {? beter Le2} Bxf3 9. Qxf3 Qxf3
10. gxf3 Be7 11. Rg1 O-O 12. Bd2 Rad8 13. Be2 f5 14. Rc1 a5 15. Rg3 g6 16. Rc4
Bf6 17. Rc5 Bh4 18. Rh3 Be7 19. Rb5 {? the tower becomes trouble here.} b6
20. Bf1 a4 {!} 21. Bc3 Bc5 {closes the net around the rook} 22. b4 (22. b3 Na7)
22... Na7 23. Rxc5 bxc5 24. Bxe5 Nc6 25. Bxc7 Rd7 26. b5 Rxc7 27. bxc6 Rxc6 28.
Rh4 f4 {! the final decision of the game.} 29. Ke2 Rb6 30. Rxf4 Rb2+
31. Ke1 Rb1+ 32. Ke2 Rfb8 33. d4 c4 34. Kd2 Rxf1 {
the remaining resistance will now be broken professionally.} 35. Kc3 Rxf2 36. Kxc4 Rb3
37. e4 Rxa3 38. Kb4 Rd3 39. Kxa4 Rxd4+ 40. Kb5 Rxh2 41. Kc5 Rd3 42. Kc4 Rhd2
43. Rf6 Re3 44. Kc5 Rdd3 45. Kc4 Ra3 46. Rb6 Rac3+ 47. Kd5 Red3+ 48. Ke6 Rxf3
49. e5 h5 50. Kd5 Rcd3+ 51. Ke4 Kg7 52. Rb7+ Kh6 53. Rb2 Rfe3+ 54. Kf4 Re1 55.
Rb5 Rde3 56. Rc5 R1e2 57. Rd5 h4 58. Kg4 h3 59. Rd8 h2 60. Rd1 Rd2 61. Rf1 Rd4+
62. Rf4 h1=Q 63. Rxd4 Qh5+ 64. Kf4 Qg5# 0-1

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.19"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Black "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D46"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "144"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 e6 4. e3 {**} Nf6 5. Bd3 dxc4 {**}
6. Bxc4 Bd6 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Nc3 O-O 9. Bd2 b5 10. Bd3 Bb7 11. Qc2 Qc7 (11... b4
12. Na4 c5 13. dxc5 Nxc5 14. Nxc5 Bxc5 15. Qxc5 Qxd3 16. Bxb4) 12. e4 e5 13.
Rac1 Qd8 14. Rfe1 ({better} 14. dxe5 Nxe5 15. Nxe5 Bxe5) 14... exd4 15. Nxd4 Be5 {better Nc5} 16. Nce2 {? an error, losing material. Nf3 was needed.} Bxd4
17. Nxd4 Ne5 18. Bc3 b4 19. Ne6 {? better Lxb4, this costs more material} Qxd3
20. Nxf8 bxc3 21. Qb3 Qa6 22. Nxh7 Kxh7 23. Rxc3 Qb6 24. Rh3 + Kg8 25. Qc3 Nfg4
{black has a significant material advantage. He takes riscs for more,
and has success.} 26. Qc2 Qa5 27. Ra1 Rd8 28. Qb3 Qb6
(28 ... Qd2 {!} 29. Rg3 Qxf2 + 30. Kh1 Qe2 {and not} 31. Qxb7 {?} Rd1 + {and mate
}) 29. Qc2 Qd4 30. Rb3 Ba6 31. h3 Nf6 32. Re1 Bd3 33. Qd2 Nxe4 34. Qf4 Ng6 35.
Qe3 Qxe3 36. Rxe3 Bb1 37. Re1 Bxa2 38. Ra3 Bd5 39. Rxa7 Rb8 40. Re2 Nf4 41. Rc2
Nd3 42. f3 Nec5 43. Re2 Rxb2 44. Rxb2 Nxb2 {and the rest is easy} 45. Kf2
Ncd3+ 46. Ke3 c5 47. Kd2 Nf4 48. Kc3 Nc4 49. Ra4 Ne2+ 50. Kc2 Nd4+ 51. Kc3 Nb5+
52. Kc2 Ne3+ 53. Kd2 Nxg2 54. Ra5 Nd4 55. Kc3 Ne6 56. Rb5 Bxf3 57. Rb2 Ngf4 58.
Rf2 Ng5 59. Rh2 Ne4+ 60. Kb2 c4 61. h4 c3+ 62. Kc2 f5 63. Kb1 Bd1 64. Kc1 c2
65. Rxc2 Bxc2 66. Kxc2 Ng2 67. Kd3 Nxh4 68. Kd4 g5 69. Ke3 g4 70. Ke2 g3 71.
Kf1 f4 72. Ke2 g2 {white resigns.} 0-1
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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Folgende 6 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (25.03.2020), Boris (22.03.2020), Egbert (21.03.2020), ferribaci (21.03.2020), mclane (21.03.2020), Tibono (21.03.2020)
Alt 21.03.2020, 22:09
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
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AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Game 3: At move 15 white fails to move 15.g4 or 15.Ne2 which both lead to win of a pawn. Now the interesting game stays equal, with at the end black in the lead. But this endgame is too difficult for both (also for me to judge...). Black seemed to have the best chances, but white failed to get a draw by playing 66.Kh4?? instead of 66.Kf5...

Game 4: White treats the Grünfeld opening too risky, with his king left in the center. Black wins a pawn and then has two free pawns on the queen side. He has clear winning advantage, but makes it still a little difficult for himself. But in the end there is a deserved win.

Krypton Challenge (Tibono settings) - Mephisto Rebell 5.0 2 - 2

(and all 4 games won by black!?)
[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.20"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D35"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "164"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 {**} 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 Be7 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bf4 O-O 7. e3 Nh5
8. Be5 {**} f6 9. Bg3 Nxg3 10. hxg3 Be6 11. Qb3 b6 12. Qc2 f5 13. Bd3 Nc6 14.
a3 a6 15. O-O (15. g4 {!} g6 16. gxf5 Bxf5 17. Nxd5 Bxd3 (17... Qxd5 18. Bc4
Bxc2 19. Bxd5+ Kg7 20. Bxc6) 18. Nxe7+ Qxe7 19. Qxd3) ({also} 15. Ne2 Qd6 16. Nf4 {gives significant advantage}) 15 ... Qd6 16. Rac1 Ra7 17. Ne2 Nd8 18. g4 g6 19.
gxf5 Bxf5 20. Bxf5 Rxf5 21. Ng3 Rf8 22. e4 dxe4 23. Nxe4 Qd5 24. Nc3 Qh5 25.
Qb3 + Kh8 26. Rfe1 Bd6 27. Qd5 Qh6 28. Rc2 Qf4 29. Re4 Qf6 30. Qg5 Qxg5 31. Nxg5
c6 32. Ne6 Re8 33. Nxd8 Rxd8 34. Na4 b5 35. Nc5 a5 36. Ne6 Rc8 37. d5 c5 38. a4
Rb7 39. axb5 Rxb5 40. Ng5 Kg7 41. Re6 Rd8 42. Ne4 Bf8 43. d6 Kf7 44. Re5 {better 44.Rf6+} Bxd6
45. Nxd6 + Rxd6 46. Rexc5 Rdb6 47. Rc7 + Ke6 48. Re2 + Kd6 49. Rxh7 Rxb2 50. Rxb2
Rxb2 51. Rh6 a4 52. Rxg6 + Kc5 53. Ra6 Kb4 54. Rb6 + {? useless tempo loss} (
54. g4 a3 55. g5 a2 56. Kg2 {and it will be a draw}) 54 ... Kc3 55. Rc6 + Kb3 56.
f4 a3 57. Kh2 a2 58. Rb6 + Kc2 59. Ra6 Kb1 60. f5 a1=Q 61. Rxa1 + Kxa1 62. Kg3
Rb1 63. Kg4 Kb2 64. f6 Rg1 65. g3 Kc3 66. Kh4 {?? the decisive error} ({with}
66. Kf5 {White could simply draw ...}) 66... Kd4 67. Kg4 Ke5 68.
Kh3 Kxf6 69. Kg4 Ke5 70. Kf3 Kf5 71. Kf2 Rc1 72. Ke2 Ke4 73. Kf2 Rc2+ 74. Kf1
Kf3 75. Ke1 Kxg3 76. Kd1 Rf2 77. Kc1 Kf4 78. Kb1 Ke3 79. Ka1 Kd3 80. Kb1 Kc3
81. Ka1 Kb3 82. Kb1 Rf1# 0-1

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.20"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Black "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D85"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "138"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 {**} Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 g6 7. d4 Qa5
{**} 8. Bb2 Bg7 9. Nd2 cxd4 10. Nc4 Qd8 11. cxd4 Nc6 12. e5 {?! a risky plan} O-O 13. d5 Nb4 14.
Ne3 e6 15. Bc4 {? better d6} exd5 16. Nxd5 Be6 17. Nxb4 Bxc4 {white is in trouble} 18. Rc1 Qxd1+
19. Kxd1 ({or} 19. Rxd1 a5 20. Rd4 b5 21. Nc6 Bxa2) 19... Rac8 20. Ra1 Rfd8+ 21. Ke1
Rc5 22. f4 a5 23. Nc2 Bxa2 24. Ne3 Bb3 25. Ke2 a4 26. Ba3 Rc6 27. Rhc1 Rxc1 28.
Rxc1 Bf8 29. Bxf8 Kxf8 30. Rc5 a3 31. Nc2 a2 32. Na1 Ba4 33. Rc1 b5 34. Ke3 Rd1
{34... b4! is much stronger} 35. Rxd1 Bxd1 36. Kd2 Bg4 37. Kc3 Be6 38. h4 Bc4
39. Kb4 {39.Nc2 offers more resistance} Ke7 40. Kc5 Ke6 41. g4 Be2 42. Kb4 Bxg4
43. Kxb5 Kf5 44.e6 fxe6 45. Kb4 Kxf4 {
better first Bf3 and Bd5 to protect pawn a2. These pawns do not run away.} 46.
Kb3 Kg3 47. Kxa2 e5 48. Nb3 e4 49. Kb2 Kxh4 50. Kc3 e3 51. Kd3 e2 52. Kd2 Kg3
53. Ke1 h5 54. Nc5 Kf3 55. Nb3 Ke3 56. Nc1 h4 {?} 57. Nxe2 {!} g5 (57 ... Bxe2 {
? is stalemate!}) 58. Nc3 h3 59. Kf1 Be6 60. Kg1 g4 61. Na4 g3 62. Nc3 h2 + 63. Kg2
Kd3 64. Nd1 Kd2 {! and not} (64... Bd5+ 65. Kxg3 h1=Q 66. Nf2+ {phew...!}) 65. Ne3 Kxe3 66. Kxg3 {!} H1 = R {
! promotion to queen would be stalemate again.} 67. Kg2 Rh3 68. Kg1 Bd5 69. Kf1 Rh1#
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (25.03.2020), Boris (22.03.2020), Tibono (22.03.2020)
Alt 24.03.2020, 22:51
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
Registriert seit: 19.02.2015
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AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Game 5: Both are out of book very early. The game develops to a closed position, the first pawn exchange is at move 26. It seems to end in draw by move repetition, but the Challenge avoids it because it evaluates its position as a little better. The risc-taking is then punished by the Rebell with 55... Qe4! and white is in trouble.
The funny thing is that the Challenge evaluates its position about -0.3 to -0.4 until 63... exf2. Probably a horizon effect?
General remark: A problem (bug?) I saw before: even when it thinks it has the slightest advantage, it tries to avoid move- or position-repetition at almost all cost, and so deliberately makes a less good move that sometimes even leads to a loss.
On the other hand, I also saw games where some kind of self-learning developed: when one way of developing the advantage got stuck and move repetition threatened, it tried another one, until it did find the winning strategy.

Game 6: Again both are early out of book. Black handles the opening phase a little better, but the game stays rather equal till move 30. Then white makes two weak moves, and black suddenly starts a decisive attack with 32... Dc2! White must lose material, but with 33.Kg2 he chooses again not the best move, and 33... Ng5 immediately decides the game.

Krypton Challenge (Tibono settings) - Mephisto Rebell 5.0 3 - 3
(so far all games ended in a win for black!?)

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.20"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D03"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "130"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. Bg5 d5 {**} 4. e3 {**} h6 5. Bh4 Bb4+ 6. Nbd2 O-O 7. c3
Be7 8. Bd3 Nc6 9. O-O Bd7 10. Qb3 Na5 11. Qc2 a6 12. Ne5 Nc6 13. Ndf3 Nxe5 14.
Nxe5 Bb5 15. Bxb5 axb5 16. Qd3 Qe8 17. a3 b6 18. Rfe1 c6 19. Qe2 Rc8 20. Bg3
Ne4 21. Bf4 g5 22. Bg3 Nxg3 23. hxg3 f6 24. Nd3 Qg6 25. e4 Rfe8 26. exd5 exd5
27. Qe6+ Qf7 28. Qf5 Bd6 29. Nb4 Bxb4 30. axb4 Rcd8 31. b3 Kh8 32. Rad1 Ra8 33.
Rxe8+ Rxe8 34. Ra1 Kg8 35. Qf3 f5 36. Qd3 Qe6 37. Qb1 Kh8 38. Qa2 Qe7 39. Qc2
Qf7 40. Qd3 Qe6 41. Qf3 Qf7 42. Kh2 Kh7 43. Ra6 Re1 44. g4 Qc7+ 45. g3 f4 46.
gxf4 Kg7 47. Kg2 gxf4 48. Kh2 Qe7 49. Kh3 Qb7 50. Ra2 Qf7 51. Kg2 Rb1 52. Ra3
Rc1 53. Ra6 Qb7 54. Ra2 Qe7 55. Ra8 {
? probably the decisive mistake. 55.Dxf4 was needed.} (55. Qxf4 Rxc3 56.
Ra6) 55 ... Qe4 {! and black takes its chance immediately.} 56. Ra7 + Kg6 57. Qxe4 + dxe4 58.
d5 cxd5 59. Rd7 Kg5 60. Rxd5 + Kxg4 61. Rxb5 f3 + 62. Kh2 e3 63. Rxb6 exf2 {
the striking thing is that white did not see a major disadvantage until this moment. Presumably
a horizon effect?} 64. Rg6+ Kf5 65. Rf6+ Kxf6 0-1

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.21"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Black "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E01"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "120"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. g3 Be7 5. Nbd2 {**} c5 {**} 6. cxd5 exd5 7.
dxc5 Bxc5 8. Bg2 Bg4 (8... Bxf2+ 9. Kxf2 Ng4+ 10. Ke1 Qb6 11. e3 Nxe3 12. Qe2)
9. O-O Nbd7 10. Nb3 O-O {
?! surprising that black allows the exchange of it's bishop} 11. Nxc5 Nxc5 12.
Ne5 Bh5 13. Bf4 Rc8 14. Rc1 Qa5 {black has a light advantage} 15. Bh3 Ne6 16.
Rxc8 Rxc8 17. Bxe6 fxe6 18. a3 Qb5 19. Nd3 a6 20. Be5 Nd7 21. Bc3 Bg4 (21... e5
{?!} 22. Nxe5 Nxe5 23. Qd4 Rxc3 24. Qxe5 Bxe2 25. a4 Qc6 (25... Qd3 26. Qe8#)
26. bxc3 Bxf1 27. Kxf1 {=}) 22. Re1 Qc4 23. Nf4 Qc6 {?} 24. Qd4 {now white is in charge}
Nf6 25. e3 Qd7 26. Nd3 Qc7 27. Rc1 ({better} 27. Ne5) 27... Ne4 28. Nc5 Bf5 29.
Nb3 Qd7 30. Bb4 {? not good} Rxc1+ 31. Nxc1 Qc7 32. Nd3 {?} (32. Bc3 {
was necessary}) 32... Qc2 {!} 33. Kg2 {
not the best, but material loss is unavoidable anyway} Ng5 {
and suddenly white's position is hopeless.} 34. Nf4 Be4+ 35. Kf1 Nf3 {
threatens Nxh2 with a quick mate} 36. Qxe4 Qc1+ 37. Kg2 dxe4 38. Nh3 Qxb2 39.
Bd6 Ne1+ 40. Kf1 Nc2 41. a4 Qa1+ 42. Kg2 Qd1 43. Bc7 Ne1+ 44. Kf1 Nd3+ 45. Kg2
Qxa4 46. Bb6 Qb5 47. Bc7 Qc5 48. Bd8 b5 49. Nf4 Nxf4+ 50. gxf4 b4 51. f5 {
here Rebell resigned, but I preferred to give the Challenge the satisfaction
of mating him ;-)} b3 52. fxe6 b2 53. Bh4 b1=Q 54. e7 Qh5 55. e8=Q+ Qxe8 56.
Bg3 Qeb5 57. Kh3 Q1f1+ 58. Kg4 a5 59. Kh4 Qf5 60. h3 Q1xh3# 0-1
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Boris (25.03.2020), Egbert (25.03.2020), mclane (25.03.2020), Tibono (25.03.2020)
Alt 25.03.2020, 09:54
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
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AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

 Zitat von paulwise3 Beitrag anzeigen
Game 5: The funny thing is that the Challenge evaluates its position about -0.3 to -0.4 until 63... exf2. Probably a horizon effect?
Hi Paul, this is a much typical weakness... game 5 illustrates perfectly a comment I made on my webpage:
"and despite the H8 speed, its tactical ability is limited.
Analysis modus enables displaying the on-going evaluation; noting a late score impact from a position is not uncommon,
compared to its roughly same level computer opponent, displaying the impact a couple of half moves sooner.
This is especially true during endgame, the Challenge does not anticipate enough pawns running for promotion.
Some dedicated code is surely lacking in this area; in addition to a quite pronounced horizon effect at short time control."
And I am afraid tuning any setting would not solve this, the program does not seem to be much selective (unlike the Grenadier: you can largely have some drive on the variants it searchs, thru changing the evaluation function).
Kind regards,
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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Boris (25.03.2020), paulwise3 (25.03.2020)
Alt 27.03.2020, 22:30
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
Registriert seit: 19.02.2015
Ort: Eindhoven
Alter: 77
Beiträge: 1.543
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0/3 sssss1543
AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

For these two games I deliberately kept pressing New Game until they opened with e2-e4.
Game 7: A long and hard fight. Black deserved to win, tried everything, but white (the Krypton Challenge) escapes with a draw and a blue eye .

Game 8: Rebell playing with white misses 17.f5! with great advantage. After that, the Challenge plays well and wins.
And so the Challenge leads unexpected with 4,5 - 3,5.

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.22"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B18"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "192"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

{In this game the Challenge played some seemingly passive moves, e.g.
9.Bb3 and 21.Rb1, 23.Ba2} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6
6. Bc4 e6 7. N1e2 Nf6 8. Nf4 Bd6 9. Bb3 Nbd7 10. Nxg6 {**} hxg6 {**} 11. O-O {
? With black's open h-line, this is asking for trouble...} Ng8 12. Qd3 Qh4 13.
h3 Ngf6 14. Bd2 {now and later on Ng4!? looks promising, but right now white
has then a counterattack with Bxe6!} Rd8 {
and that is why 0-0-0 seems a better idea.} 15. Ba5 b6 16. Be1 c5 17. Bc3 cxd4
18. Bxd4 Nc5 19. Bxc5 ({better} 19. Qb5+ Ke7 (19... Nfd7 20. Bxg7 Rh7) 20. Rad1
Nh5) 19... Bxc5 20. Qc3 a5 (20... g5 {! is stronger}) 21. Rab1 Rd7 22. a3 a4
23. Ba2 {better Bc4} Qf4 {?} (23... g5 {!} 24. Bc4 (24. Rbd1 Bxf2+) 24... Bd4
25. Qf3 g4 26. Qa8+ Ke7 27. Rbe1 g6 (27... gxh3 {?} 28. Nf5#) 28. Qxa4 Qxg3 29.
Bxe6 fxe6 30. Qxd4 Qxg2+ 31. Kxg2 gxh3+ 32. Kh1 Rxd4 {and black wins}) 24. Ne2
Qd2 25. Bc4 Qg5 26. Qf3 Ke7 {the chances seem to be equal now. But with a
number of suboptimal moves white gets in trouble again.} 27. Rbd1 Rhd8 28.
Rxd7+ Rxd7 29. Qc6 Qe5 30. Nc3 Bxa3 31. Nxa4 {
? a mistake, but it takes 6 ply to see it...} ({correct is} 31. bxa3 Qxc3 32.
Qxa4 Rd2 33. Bd3) 31... Bd6 32. g3 Rc7 33. Qb5 Rxc4 34. Qxc4 b5 35. Qc6 bxa4 {
black has a material advantage, but it appears not easy to win this game...}
36. Rb1 Qc5 {trading queens may not be the best option for black} 37. Qxc5 Bxc5
38. Kg2 Ne4 39. f3 Nd2 40. Ra1 Nc4 41. Rxa4 Nxb2 42. Ra5 Bd4 43. Ra2 e5 44. Kf1
Nd1 45. Ke1 Ne3 46. Ke2 Nf5 47. g4 Ne3 48. Kd2 g5 49. c3 Bc5 50. Ra8 Kd7 51.
Rb8 Kd6 52. Rb7 Ke6 53. Rb5 Nc4+ 54. Kd3 Kd5 55. Rb7 Nd6 56. Re7 g6 57. c4+
Nxc4 58. Rxf7 {this looks very much like a draw. But black keeps trying...} Ne3
59. Rd7+ Ke6 60. Rg7 Kf6 61. Rc7 Bd4 62. Rc6+ Kf7 63. Rc7+ Ke8 64. Ke4 Nd1 65.
Kd5 Kf8 66. Rc6 Nf2 67. Rxg6 Nxh3 68. Rh6 Nf4+ 69. Ke4 Kg7 {maybe if black
could get his bishop on f4, and the king with help of his knight could walk
around to get in the neighbourhood of f3? Food for the strong engines...} 70.
Ra6 Ng2 71. Kf5 Nh4+ 72. Ke4 Kf7 73. Ra8 Ke7 74. Rg8 Kf6 75. Rf8+ Kg7 76. Rb8
Kg6 77. Rg8+ Kh6 78. Rh8+ Kg7 79. Rb8 Kf7 80. Ra8 Kg6 81. Rg8+ Kh7 {?! to avoid
position repetition, black gives a pawn, still having a minimal advantage...}
82. Rxg5 Ng2 83. Rh5+ Kg6 84. Rh8 Nf4 85. Rh1 Ne2 86. Kd3 Ng3 87. Rh3 Bf2 88.
Rh8 Kg7 89. Rh2 Be3 {!?} (89... Ba7 {is not better}) 90. Kxe3 Nf1+ 91. Kf2 Nxh2
92. Kg2 Nxg4 93. fxg4 Kf6 94. Kf3 Kg5 95. Ke4 Kxg4 96. Kxe5 Kf3 {and Rebell
ims a draw by insufficient material to mate. A lucky draw for the Challenge...
!} 1/2-1/2

[Event "Test Tibono settings"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.03.22"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5.0"]
[Black "Krypton Challenge, 9/10/12/8/8/11/9."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B47"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "174"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 Qc7 7. f4 b5 8. Nxc6
dxc6 {**} 9. Be3 {**} Bb7 10. O-O Rd8 11. Qe1 Nf6 12. a3 Be7 13. Qg3 O-O 14.
Rad1 c5 15. e5 Nd7 16. Bd3 Nb6 17. Rfe1 ({better} 17. f5 {!} Kh8 (17... Nd7 18.
fxe6 fxe6 19. Bxh7+ Kxh7 20. Qh3+ Kg8 21. Qxe6+ Kh7 22. Qxe7 Qxe5 23. Qxe5 Nxe5
24. Rxf8 Rxf8 25. Bxc5) 18. fxe6 fxe6 19. Rxf8+ Bxf8 20. Rf1 Nc4 21. Qh3 h6 22.
Bxc4 bxc4 23. Qxe6) 17... c4 18. Be4 Bxe4 19. Nxe4 Nd5 20. Bd4 Rd7 21. Bf2 Rfd8
22. Qf3 h6 23. Bg3 Qb6+ 24. Kh1 a5 {white loses the initiative, apparently
does not know what to do in this position.} 25. Bf2 Qc7 26. c3 Qc6 27. Bd4 b4
28. cxb4 axb4 29. Rc1 bxa3 30. bxa3 Qa4 31. Nc5 ({better} 31. Bc5) 31... Bxc5
32. Bxc5 c3 33. g3 Rc8 34. Bd6 c2 35. Re4 Qb5 36. a4 Qc6 37. Rd4 Ra7 38. Qe4 f5
{!} 39. Qf3 (39. exf6 Qxd6 40. Rxc2 Rxc2 41. Qxc2 Rc7 42. Qg6 Qc6 {
with winning attack for black}) 39... Rxa4 40. Rxa4 Qxa4 41. Qe2 Qe4+ 42. Qxe4
fxe4 43. Kg2 Kf7 44. h3 Kg6 45. h4 Kf5 46. Ba3 g5 47. hxg5 hxg5 48. fxg5 Kxe5
49. Re1 Kf5 50. Bc1 e3 51. Re2 Ke4 52. Kf1 Kf3 53. Rg2 Rg8 {
a pity. Now the win takes much longer.} (53... Rd8 {!} 54. Kg1 (54. Rxc2 {?}
Nf4 {threatens Rd1#} 55. Kg1 Kxg3 56. Rg2+ Nxg2 {etc.}) 54... Nb4 55. Kh2 e2 {
etc.}) 54. Rxc2 Rxg5 {although not always playing the best moves, black still
manages to win this endgame.} 55. g4 Rxg4 56. Rh2 Ke4 57. Ba3 Nc3 58. Bc5 e2+
59. Ke1 Kd5 60. Rh3 Kc4 61. Bf2 Re4 62. Rh8 Kd3 63. Rd8+ Nd5 64. Rg8 Kc2 65.
Rc8+ Nc3 66. Ra8 Rb4 67. Ra1 Kd3 68. Bg3 Rg4 69. Bf2 Ra4 70. Rxa4 Nxa4 71. Bg3
Nc3 72. Bf2 e5 73. Bg3 e4 74. Bf4 Nd5 75. Bg3 Ne3 76. Kf2 Kd2 77. Kg1 Nf5 78.
Bf4+ e3 79. Kg2 e1=Q 80. Kf3 Kd3 81. Be5 e2 82. Kg4 Ke4 83. Bf6 Qg3+ 84. Kh5
e1=Q 85. Bg5 Qeg1 86. Kg6 Qxg5+ 87. Kf7 Qe7# 0-1
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (10.04.2020), Boris (12.04.2020), Sargon (28.03.2020), Tibono (28.03.2020)
Alt 10.04.2020, 20:29
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 62
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1/3 ssssss523
AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings


to share more illustration of the resulting playing style (Tibono setting), here are 4 games I selected out of eight the Systema Challenge played, opponents being:
S.C vs Tasc The Final ChessCard : 0,5 - 1,5
S.C vs Mephisto IIIS Glasgow    : 1,5 - 0,5
S.C vs Fidelity Designer 2100   :  1  -  1
S.C vs Saitek Stratos (B)       : 1,5 - 0,5
15s/move games, free openings. Opponents being all CB-Emu entities.

Within my private Elo-liste, the Systema Challenge entered the tournament with 1789 elo-points, opponents average was 1788 (so, quite well balanced), and 56,3% success rate achieved by the SC is worth a 1832 performance that will slightly raise its ranking.

Analysis with help mainly from Chess Game Analyzer v 0.12 (Ferdinand Mosca) + LC0, NN LD2, 30s/move
Now, the floor is to the games:
[Event "Tournoi 282"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.04.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Systema Challenge lv 50 (15s) F1=9, F3=12, F4=F5=8, F6=11, F7=9"]
[Black "Tasc TFCC lv 40/10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C47"]
[EventDate "2020.04.07"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bb4 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 d5 8.exd5
cxd5 9.O-O O-O 10.Bg5 Bxc3 11.bxc3 h6 12.Bxf6 Qxf6 13.c4 d4 14.Re1 Bb7 15.Rb1
Rfb8 16.Qg4 Bc6 17.h3 Rxb1 18.Rxb1 $7 Re8 19.Qg3 Qe7 20.Qf4 Qd8 21.Qg3 Re6
22.Bf5 Re8 23.Bd3 a5 24.Qf4 Qg5 25.Qxg5 hxg5 26.f3 Kf8 27.Kf2 f6 28.Bg6 Rd8
29.Ke2 Ke7 30.Kd3 Rd6 31.Re1+ Kd8 32.c3 $10 { +0.12\7 } (
{ More accurate is } 32.Bf7 Kc8 33.c5 Rd8 34.Re7 Bb5+ 35.Bc4 $16 { +1.54\5 }
) ( { Worthy of consideration is } 32.Rb1 Ke7 33.Rb8 Rd8 34.Rxd8 Kxd8 35.Kxd4
$16 { +1.27\5 } ) 32...dxc3+ 33.Kxc3 Bd7 34.Bf7 c5 35.Bd5 Bf5 36.g4 Bg6
37.Re2 Rb6 38.Re3 Rb1 39.Be4 Bxe4 40.fxe4 Rc1+ 41.Kb3 Rb1+ 42.Ka4 Rb4+
43.Kxa5 Rxc4 44.Kb5 Rc2 45.a3 Kc8 46.e5 Kd7 47.a4 Kd8 $2 $16 { +2.03\6 } (
{ Superior is } 47...fxe5 48.Rxe5 Kd6 49.Rxg5 Rb2+ 50.Kc4 Rb4+ $14
{ +0.41\7 } ) ( { A fine line worth of consideration is } 47...c4 48.Kb4 c3
49.Rxc3 Rb2+ 50.Rb3 Re2 $16 { +1.17\7 } ) 48.a5 c4 49.e6 Ke7 50.Kb4 Ra2
$4 $18 { +3.59\6 } ( { More accurate is } 50...Rb2+ 51.Kxc4 Ra2 52.Kb4 g6
53.Ra3 Rb2+ $16 { +2.17\6 } ) 51.Rc3 $14 { +0.51\7 } ( { Excellent is }
51.Ra3 Rb2+ 52.Kxc4 Rc2+ 53.Kd5 Rd2+ 54.Kc5 $18 { +3.63\6 } ) (
{ Another interesting line is } 51.Kb5 g6 52.a6 f5 53.Kb6 f4 54.Rc3 $14
{ +0.96\6 } ) 51...Kxe6 52.Rxc4 Kd6 53.Rd4+ Kc6 54.Rd3 Rb2+ 55.Ka3 Rh2 56.Rb3
Rh1 57.Kb4 Ra1 58.Rc3+ Kb7 59.Rd3 Kc6 60.Rb3 Ra2 61.Rc3+ Kb7 62.Rd3 Kc6
63.Re3 Ra1 64.Re6+ Kb7 65.Kb5 Rb1+ 66.Ka4 Rb2 67.Re3 Ka6 68.Re7 Ra2+ 69.Kb4
Rb2+ 70.Ka4 Ra2+ 71.Kb4 Rb2+ 72.Ka4
{ A quite balanced game, between two positional playing programs, without
much tactics involved. Ends in a draw, not a surprise! } 1/2-1/2

[Event "Tournoi 282"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.04.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Systema Challenge lv 50 (15s) F1=9, F3=12, F4=F5=8, F6=11, F7=9"]
[Black "Fidelity Designer 2100 lv 7 (15s)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C49"]
[EventDate "2020.04.07"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bb5 Bb4 5.d3 Nd4 6.Ba4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.O-O Nxf3+
9.gxf3 Bh3 10.Nxd5 Bxf1 11.Nxb4 Bh3 12.a4 Qd6 13.Qd2 c5 14.Nd5 b4 15.c3
$2 $17 { -2.23\6 } ( { Superior is } 15.Qg5 Nxd5 16.Bxd5 Rc8 17.Qxg7 Kd7
18.Qxf7+ $10 { +0.08\6 } ) ( { Also playable is } 15.Qe3 Nxd5 16.Bxd5 Rc8
17.f4 Be6 18.fxe5 $15 { -0.65\6 } ) 15...bxc3 16.bxc3 Rb8 17.Ba2 $4 $19
{ -3.06\6 } ( { More accurate is } 17.Qg5 O-O 18.Bc4 Nxd5 19.Bxd5 Be6 20.c4
$17 { -1.69\6 } ) 17...O-O 18.Qg5 Nxd5 19.Bxd5 Be6 20.c4 Bxd5 21.cxd5 f5
22.Ra3 f4 23.Kg2 Rf6 24.Kh1 Rg6 25.Qf5 a5 26.Rc3 Rf8 27.Qh5 Rh6 28.Qg5 Rb8
29.Qf5 Rg6 30.Ba3 Rb1+ 31.Rc1 Qb8 32.Qd7 Rb7 33.Qh3 Rh6 34.Qf1 Qe8 35.Rxc5
Qxa4 $4 $18
{ +18.70\3 (SF11:White will mate black in 5 moves - the Systema Challenge
does not announce it, but will follow the right track) } ( { Excellent is }
35...Rb8 36.Qc1 Rhb6 37.Qc4 h6 38.d6+ Kh7 $15 { -0.70\5 } ) (
{ Another possibility is } 35...Rb3 36.Qc1 Rb8 37.d6 Qe6 38.Rb5 Qh3 $15
{ -0.40\5 } ) 36.Rc8+ Qe8
{ commiting suicide to postpone 1 move the very same mate: } ( 36...Kf7
37.Rf8+ Kg6 38.Qg2+ Kh5 39.Qg4# ) 37.Rxe8+ Kf7 38.Rf8+ Kg6 39.Qg2+ Kh5
{ The Challenge stayed on par with the Designer 2100 (a strong one, it is a
dressed-up Par Excellence) despite the game being not that simply
positional. And the 2100 surprisingly blundered, grasping a pawn while the 8th rank needed to be defended. The Challenge is weak at tactics, but able
to smell the promising attack. } 1-0

[Event "Tournoi 282"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.04.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Fidelity Designer 2100 lv7 (15s)"]
[Black "Systema Challenge lv 50 (15s) F1=9, F3=12, F4=F5=8, F6=11, F7=9"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B22"]
[EventDate "2020.04.07"]

1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.d4 cxd4 5.cxd4 d6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Bc4 Nb6 8.Bb5 dxe5
9.Bxc6+ bxc6 10.Nxe5 Qd5 11.O-O c5 12.dxc5 Qxe5 13.cxb6 axb6 14.Re1 Qc7
15.Qd4 Qc6 16.Nc3 Bb7 17.f3 Rd8 18.Qf2 e6 19.Ne4 Bb4 20.Bd2 Bxd2 21.Nxd2 Qb5
22.b3 Bd5 23.Nc4 Bxc4 24.bxc4 Qxc4 25.Qxb6 O-O 26.Qf2 Rd3 27.Rac1 Qd5 28.Rc5
Qd7 29.Rc2 Rb8 30.Qg3 Qd4+ 31.Qf2 Qf4 32.Rec1 Rbd8 33.Rc8 Qb4 34.Rxd8+ Rxd8
$7 35.Qe2 Qa3 36.Rc7 Qd6 37.Rc1 Kh8 38.Qc4 Qb6+ 39.Kh1 Kg8 40.a4
{ This runner will gradually increase the pressure on black's position. }
40...Qa7 41.Qb4 Qe3 42.Qe1 Qa3 43.a5 h6 44.Ra1 Qc5 45.a6 Qa7 46.Qg1 Rd4 47.f4
f6 48.Qe1 Rd6 49.Qc1 Kh7 50.Qb1+ Kh8 51.Qg1 $1
{ freeing next square for the a-file runner } 51...Qa8 52.a7 Rd2 53.Ra5 Kg8
54.Rb5 Rd8 55.Qa1 Kh7 56.Qb1+ f5 57.Rb8 Qe4 58.Qa1 Qd4 59.Qxd4 Rxd4 60.Kg1
Rd1+ 61.Kf2 $7 Rd2+ 62.Ke3 Ra2 63.a8=Q Rxa8 64.Rxa8
{ No significant mistake from any of both during this game, a balanced one
until moves 40 to 50. Then the Designer 2100 prevailed, thanks to it's
white a-pawn. } 1-0

[Event "Tournoi 282"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.04.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Saitek Stratos (lv A4, 15s)"]
[Black "Systema Challenge lv 50 (15s) F1=9, F3=12, F4=F5=8, F6=11, F7=9"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D43"]
[EventDate "2020.04.07"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 c6 5.Qb3 Nbd7 6.cxd5 exd5 7.Bf4 Be7 8.e3 Nh5
9.Be5 Nxe5 10.Nxe5 O-O 11.Be2 Nf6 12.O-O Nd7 13.Nxd7 Qxd7 14.Bd3 b6 15.Qc2 h6
16.h3 Qd6 17.Qa4 Bd7 18.e4 dxe4 19.Nxe4 Qf4 20.Rfe1 Rfd8 21.Qc4 Re8 22.a3
Rac8 23.Qa6 Rc7 24.Qa4 c5 25.Bb5 Bxb5 26.Qxb5 Rd8 27.dxc5 Bxc5 28.Nxc5 Rxc5
29.Re8+ Kh7 30.Qxc5 Rxe8 31.Qb5 Rd8 32.Qb4 Rd4 33.Qc3 Rd2 34.Rf1 Qd6 35.Re1
a5 36.Re4 Rd1+ 37.Re1 Rxe1+ 38.Qxe1 $7 Kg6 39.Qe4+ f5 40.Qe3 f4 41.Qe8+ Kf6
42.Qe4 g5 43.Qc4 Qd1+ 44.Kh2 Qd7 45.Qe4 b5 46.Qa8 a4 47.Qa6+ Kg7 48.Qa8 h5
49.Qe4 h4 50.Qe5+ Kg6 51.Qe4+ Kf6 52.Kh1 Qe6 53.Qxe6+ $2 $17
{ -2.46\7 Mistake. With its king restrained far away in a corner, white
should have kept the queens on board. Now the black king reaches a central
position, and easily wins. } ( { Superior is } 53.Qd4+ Qe5 54.Qd8+ Kf5
55.Qd3+ Ke6 56.Qg6+ $10 { +0.00\5 } ) ( { Also practical is } 53.Qb4 Qe2
54.Qd6+ Kf5 55.Qd5+ Qe5 56.Qf7+ $10 { +0.00\5 } ) 53...Kxe6 $7 54.Kg1 Kd5
55.g3 Kc4 56.gxh4 gxh4 57.Kg2 Kb3 58.Kf3 Kxb2 59.Kxf4 Kxa3 60.Kg4 b4 61.f4 b3
62.Kxh4 $19 { -14.22\5 } ( { A nice try could be } 62.f5 b2 63.f6 b1=Q 64.Kg5
Kb4 65.f7 $19 { -3.73\5 } ) 62...b2 63.Kg5 b1=Q 64.h4 Qg1+ 65.Kf5 Qh2 66.Kg4
Qg2+ 67.Kf5 Qh3+ 68.Kg5 Qg3+ 69.Kf5 Qxh4 70.Ke5 Qe7+ 71.Kf5 Kb4 72.Kg6 a3
73.f5 a2 74.f6 Qe4+ 75.Kf7 a1=Q 76.Kg7 Qe7+ 77.Kh6 Qaxf6+ 78.Kh5 $7 Qg5#
{ A rather cool and balanced game, until the Stratos mistakenly chose to
simplify the endgame. } 0-1

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
paulwise3 (10.04.2020)
Alt 10.04.2020, 22:52
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
Registriert seit: 19.02.2015
Ort: Eindhoven
Alter: 77
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0/3 sssss1543
AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Hi Eric,

Hans-Jürgen (CC 7) sent me 20 games he played at 30 secs/move between the Krypton Regency and the Rebell 5.0.
These games were also used for the Aktivschach_Elo_Liste_2017.pdf.
The Regency played with the default feature settings (all values 10). He also marked the last bookmoves in each game.
So in the coming time I can just replay those games with your settings (and maybe also a number with mine) to see what the differences are. That saves a lot of playing time for me!

Lots of information coming through...

Best regards,
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
mclane (10.04.2020), Tibono (11.04.2020)
Alt 07.06.2020, 22:35
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
Registriert seit: 19.02.2015
Ort: Eindhoven
Alter: 77
Beiträge: 1.543
Abgegebene Danke: 4.943
Erhielt 1.723 Danke für 755 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
2/20 10/20
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0/3 sssss1543
AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

In these times it seemed appropriate to bring my Saitek Corona into the arena . I think it is a B-version, so no good idea of the active elo. And because I am testing the Horvath feature settings, it now takes part in this.
I also tested my Krypton Comet against the Excalibur Einstein Chess Wizard. The Einstein runs the same program as that of the Alexandra, but at 4 MHz instead of 5 MHz. On that match I will report later. And of course the games between the Krypton Challenge and the Rebell 5.0 will be replayed with default settings. Sorry for the unlogical order of this all...

Here the first game, one with the default settings and one with the same opening and the Tibono settings. In a (for me) unknown variation of the Grünfeld both were released out of book in a tricky position. With the default settings, white won two pawns, but then neglected his king safety and got heavily punished for that.
With the Tibono settings white played a different first calculated move, got in trouble soon, and in an attempt to save material it gave black the chance for an immediately decisive attack.
These game are played at the 30 minutes/game level.

[Event "Testmatch Horvath Features"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.06.04"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Krypton Comet, Default features"]
[Black "Saitek Corona"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D93"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "110"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bf4 Bg7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. e3 c5 7. dxc5 {
* last bookmove} Qa5 {* last bookmove} 8. Qa4 Qxc5 9. Rd1 Ne4 {
? looses material} 10. Nxd5 Na6 11. Qc2 (11. Ne5 {
! brings the black queen in trouble} Kh8 (11... f6 12. Nd3 Qc6 13. Nxe7+) 12.
f3 g5 (12... Nf6 13. b4) 13. fxe4 gxf4 14. exf4) 11... e6 {also not the best}
12. Qxe4 exd5 13. cxd5 Qa5+ 14. Rd2 Qxa2 15. Be5 Bf5 16. Qd4 (16. Qc4) 16...
Qb1+ 17. Rd1 Bxe5 18. Nxe5 Qa2 19. d6 {? a risky choice. White must play his
bishop, so he can bring his king in safety.} Qa5+ 20. Qc3 Nb4 21. Rc1 {
? calls disaster upon itself. This time white really should play 21... Bc4 or
d7.} Rac8 22. Nc4 Qc5 23. Na3 ({better} 23. Qd2 b5 24. d7 Rcd8 25. Qd6) 23...
Qd5 24. Qd2 Nd3+ 25. Bxd3 Qxg2 26. Rxc8 Qxh1+ 27. Bf1 Rxc8 28. Ke2 ({better}
28. d7) 28... Bg4+ 29. f3 Qxh2+ 30. Ke1 Qg3+ 31. Qf2 Rc1+ 32. Ke2 Bxf3+ 33.
Qxf3 Re1+ 34. Kd2 Qxf3 35. Kxe1 Qxe3+ {of course I could have resigned for
white now, but I thought I'd wait until black promoted a pawn. That took more
moves then I expected...} 36. Kd1 Qd4+ 37. Ke1 Qb4+ 38. Kd1 Qxd6+ 39. Kc2 Qc6+
40. Kd2 Qf6 41. Bc4 Qxb2+ 42. Nc2 Qe5 43. Ne3 h5 44. Bd5 h4 45. Bf3 h3 46. Kd3
h2 47. Be4 Qxe4+ 48. Kxe4 b5 49. Ke5 f5 50. Nxf5 gxf5 51. Kxf5 a5 52. Ke4 b4
53. Kd5 b3 54. Kc4 b2 55. Kd5 b1=Q {and resigned for white} 0-1

[Event "Testmatch Horvath Features"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.06.04"]
[Round "1.2"]
[White "Krypton Comet, Tibono features"]
[Black "Saitek Corona"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D93"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "62"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bf4 Bg7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. e3 c5 7. dxc5 {
* last bookmove} Qa5 {* last bookmove} 8. Bxb8 Rxb8 9. Qa4 Qxc5 10. cxd5 Nxd5
11. Nxd5 Qxd5 12. Rd1 Qc5 13. b3 {
? this already means definitive loss of the game.} Bc3+ 14. Nd2 Bf5 15. Qc4 Qa5
16. e4 Rfd8 17. b4 Bxb4 18. exf5 Bxd2+ 19. Ke2 Qe5+ 20. Kf3 Rd4 21. Qxd4 Qxd4
22. fxg6 fxg6 23. Rxd2 Qxd2 24. Bc4+ Kh8 25. Bb3 Rf8+ 26. Kg3 Rxf2 27. Bd1
Rxg2+ 28. Kh3 Qxa2 29. Bb3 Qf2 30. Bd5 g5 31. Bxg2 Qh4# 0-1

NB: I still analyse games with Fritz 5.32. As a doublecheck I did it this time also with the analyze tool of And it appeared that specially in the phase right after bookend of this game, Fritz 5.32 missed some vital aspects in the game, which of course is not really surprising...
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (08.06.2020), Egbert (08.06.2020), Tibono (08.06.2020)
Alt 09.06.2020, 23:46
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AW: Testing Horvath programmable feature settings

Round 2, the first game is played with the default settings. Again the Krypton Comet wins material and has winning chances, but now he oversees a mate combination of the Corona. Instead of 26... Rxa2?? it should have played Rb1 with clear advantage. But in this position the Corona would still have threats for "dauerschach" (what is the english expression for this?). So no garantee that the Comet would have won this game otherwise...
Tomorrow the same opening with Tibono settings.

[Event "Blitz:30'"]
[Site "Eindhoven"]
[Date "2020.06.09"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Saitek Corona"]
[Black "Krypton Comet, Normal"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D32"]
[Annotator "Wiselius,Paul"]
[PlyCount "65"]
[TimeControl "1800"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. c4 d5 4. Nc3 c5 5. e3 Nc6 6. cxd5
exd5 7. Be2 cxd4 8. Nxd4 Bd6 9. O-O O-O {* last bookmove} 10. Bf3 {
* last bookmove} Be5 11. Qd3 Be6 12. Bd2 Bxd4 13. exd4 Nb4 14. Qb5 Nc2 15. Qxb7
Nxa1 16. Rxa1 Rb8 17. Qxa7 Rxb2 18. Bf4 Qa8 19. Qe7 Rc8 20. Rc1 Qa5 21. h3 Re8
22. Qd6 Rb6 23. Qc7 Rc8 24. Qe7 Rb2 25. Nxd5 Rxc1+ 26. Bxc1 Rxa2 {??} (26...
Rb1 27. Nxf6+ gxf6 28. Qxf6 Rxc1+ 29. Kh2) 27. Nxf6+ gxf6 28. Bh6 {!} Ra1+ 29.
Kh2 Rh1+ 30. Kxh1 Qa1+ 31. Kh2 Qg1+ 32. Kxg1 Bxh3 33. Qd8# 1-0

Edit: It hurts to see this happen... ()
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein

Geändert von paulwise3 (09.06.2020 um 23:55 Uhr) Grund: Edit
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu paulwise3 für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Boris (12.06.2020), Mapi (10.06.2020), Tibono (11.06.2020)


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