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Alt 19.01.2010, 22:57
sheldon sheldon ist offline
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English Manual for Lyon 68020 or Genius 68030

Good Evening from the UK.

Can someone point me at a web site or have a pdf copy of english manuals for the above mephisto modules?

I have bouht both recently from Germany and unfortunately I do not understand enough German to translate.

Kind Regards
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Alt 20.01.2010, 01:00
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xchessg xchessg ist offline
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Re: English Manual for Lyon 68020 or Genius 68030

Good evening, oops good night from Belgium to you.

I think you might find what you need on Zanchetta's Site: Just go from here to "Links" (bellow, on the left), then "Links rund um das Thema Schachcomputer", scroll down to Zanchetta's Sitebutton, enter that. On this site you'll find a button manuals/documentation. Go for Mephisto. There you can download an PDF of a Vancouver 68020 in Englisch (second from the bottom). That should do nicely for the Lyon 68020 and Genius 68030 as well, as they are after all very similar (awfully close to identical, let's say).

Nice buys!. You... payed in pounds?

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Alt 20.01.2010, 09:13
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Asterix Asterix ist offline
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AW: English Manual for Lyon 68020 or Genius 68030

If you need a shorter way, here it is....
Fortes fortuna adiuvat. - Den Tapferen hilft das Glück.
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Alt 20.01.2010, 14:13
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AW: English Manual for Lyon 68020 or Genius 68030
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Alt 20.01.2010, 14:29
sheldon sheldon ist offline
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AW: English Manual for Lyon 68020 or Genius 68030

Thanks for that.
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