Senator module issue with battery
Hello again everyone.
Now it was my Senator modules turn to develop an issue.
I noticed the CR2032 battery was almost dead 0.6v so I replaced it. (19 year old original)
The senator module will not boot with new battery.
I did try another brand thinking there may be something wrong with the first battery.
Same result. LCD frozen with some lights coming on the board.
Installed with correct polarity of course and pressed reset button just in case.
I see the new battery dropped voltage from 3.2v to 2.6 within minutes hinting something is draining it fast.
1 - The senator boots and works perfectly with no battery installed.
2 - The senator boots and works perfectly with the 19 year old battery which has 0.6v left.
3 - Senator fails every time with brand new battery installed.
I love to get advice from members.
Thank you