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Alt 13.02.2014, 14:30
Benutzerbild von berger
berger berger ist offline
Fidelity Elite Avantgarde Version 10
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Beitrag SciSys Chess Champion Mark V


I recently had the opportunity to repair several SciSys Mark V.

I have compiled the information in case it might be helpful to other users. Not intended to be a depth technical information.

Several things about this chess computer have surprised me: for example how easy it's to change the language; the origin of the damage to the Display; how risky is to leave an (exhausted) NiCd battery inside; etc.

I hope something will be helpful: at least enjoy looking at the pictures.

Sorry I could not translate everything (yet) into English. I hope that Google Translator will be helpful.

SciSys Chess Champion Mark V

Gerardo (aka Berger)
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Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu berger für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Chessguru (13.02.2014), EberlW (13.02.2014), kamoj (07.02.2023), Mike (14.02.2014)


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