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Alt 20.09.2023, 01:18
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Problem with MM V

Hello all,

I purchased a MM V module with integrated HG550 plus the display module.
It does not work on my Exclusive (latest china model) All I get is flickering lights and random junk on the display.

They are inserted properly and I swapped the sockets many times. I am looking at my Exclusive power adapter which is 9v 300mA.
I suspect the MM V may need a higher Amp but I don't want to risk damaging my Exclusive mother board so I am not trying.
The board works fine with the original Senator module and display.

Any advice on how to get this module to work is appreciated.

Thank you

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Alt 20.09.2023, 14:45
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AW: Problem with MM V

I would try a stabilized power supply with 9 volts and 500mA or higher. However, I suspect that the MMV module is not compatible or defective.

Geändert von udo (21.09.2023 um 18:18 Uhr) Grund: MMVI auf MMV korrigiert.
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Murat (20.09.2023)
Alt 20.09.2023, 14:50
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AW: Problem with MM V

Hello Murat,

I hope, that my english knowledges are sufficent to give you an understandable answer.
I am not sure, that your power adapter which is 9v 300mA ist the same configuration i know (MM modules are also designed for 9 volt input and 6 volt internal), i have learned, that every universal adapter works better than an original adapter. So probably you should order an appropriate universal adapter for your board and try 9 volt Input or 7,5 Volt Input, but nothing above 9 volt.

Many greetings
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Murat (20.09.2023)
Alt 20.09.2023, 16:33
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Re: Problem with MM V

Thank you Marco and Udo for responding.

I did try 9v 500mA and 9v 800mA adapters. Module still won't work. I did test the voltage internally from the socket without the modules. It shows 5.12v.

If the MM V requires 6 volts it looks like my Exclusive board which came with the Senator module (5v) can not handle it.

The ebay seller has no return policy so it looks like I am stuck with items I cant use.

All the best
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Alt 20.09.2023, 19:21
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AW: Problem with MM V

Exactly that is the explanation. The saitek boards did not need the 6v stuff. Magellan, senator etc. Use only 5v.

Therefore the new saitek boards only for those modules that run with 5V.
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Murat (20.09.2023)
Alt 20.09.2023, 22:32
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Re: Problem with MM V

Thank you Mclane.

I was looking at another auction today for a Mephisto Modular plastic board but the seller told me it is 5 volts.

Is there a way of knowing which boards are 6 volts and compatible with the MM V?

All the best
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Alt 21.09.2023, 07:59
Drahti Drahti ist offline
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AW: Problem with MM V

MM V should work with 5 V too.

300 mA are sufficient.

"integrated HG550" means: somebody has modified the module.

We don't know what exactly has been modified.

Possibly the module has be tuned to 10 MHz?

It's difficult to decide whether a board is 5 V or 6 V without opening it.

Best way would be to buy a board from somebody who can open it and thus guarantee for 6 V.

Anyway, it could be, the module is damaged and the problem has nothing to do with board, voltage and current...

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Murat (21.09.2023)
Alt 21.09.2023, 13:51
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Re: Problem with MM V

Hello Andreas,

The module has the HG550 in a single eprom. Because it had a nice label I thought it was an original Mephisto product which now I know it does not exist.

It is not tuned to 10MHz.
He has no returns policy. This is my first experience with ebay seller. I don't know what to do since I can not test it on a 6V board.

here is his initial response to my inquiry.
New message from: nord_strahl (179TURQUOISE_STAR Star)

das Senator-Modul läuft mit 5V Schachbrettern.
Das MM V-Modul mit 6V Schachbrettern.
Wahrscheinlich liegt an ihrem Schachbrett nur 5V am Ausgang an.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

All the best

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Alt 21.09.2023, 14:49
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AW: Problem with MM V

Hi Murat,

I have just tested a MMV Modul with 10 Mhz and integrated HG550 with 2 Modular and 2 Exlusive Boards both one with 5V and one with 6V.
The Modul works in all 4 Boards.

best regards
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Murat (21.09.2023)
Alt 21.09.2023, 15:05
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Re: Problem with MM V

Thank you Markus.

Although he has no returns policy I politely asked for one.
Stating the information I got from the members here.

Hoping for the best.

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