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Alt 31.10.2007, 18:22
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Star Diamond als UCI Driver


I have rewritten my UCI Driver for the Novag Star Diamond and it is now quite stable. THis is a program which makes the SD usable as an UCI Engine in PC programs such as Fritz or Arena (I did not test other GUIs).

This drivers has several usages :
  1. when you play a game between two machines : it will remove the need to enter the moves on both machines + record them. Personnally, I often finish playing only on the machines and then to rely on the replay feature of one of them to save the game. I remember games played between Citrine and SD which I played with the first version of the drivver : it was very pleasant to play the game on the Citrine and just to enter moves in Fritz and get the answers from SD there.
  2. when you want to play against the SD itself, you can configure the GUI in "demo" mode and it will simply record the game played on the dedicated machine

  3. finally, if you want to do a series of tests such as BT2450, it is cool not to have to enter the position in the machine but simply to send the position
There is always space for improvement so I'll be very happy to get feedback
Other machines will follow...

Here is the link of the page where this driver can be downloaded
Best regards,
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