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Alt 15.01.2025, 22:28
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How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

Hall an Alle,

Ich habe eine Frage bezüglich der Ausführung von Mess auf einem Android-Tablet. Gibt es irgendwo eine Anleitung, wie man das macht? Ich habe kürzlich ein Android-Tablet gekauft und frage mich nun, wie ich am besten Mess auf dem Android-Tablet ausführen kann?

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Alt 15.01.2025, 22:48
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Re: How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

What I am trying to avoid is running a Windows emulator, which I imagine will slow down the performance of some of the higher end dedicated computers? Is this correct?
Is there also a method to run the Roms through Mame for Android?

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Alt 16.01.2025, 10:14
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AW: How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

Hi Nick

Have a look at my post about Winlator.

Hope this helps.
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Alt 16.01.2025, 12:12
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Re: AW: How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

 Zitat von Bryan Whitby Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Bryan,

Thanks. Does playing through Winulator still allow you to play for example a Tasc R30 at 100% original speed, or are there any that hovver below 100%?

Also, I saw MAME4droid (0.139u1) APK and was wondering if playing original through Mame is an alternative?


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kamoj (20.01.2025)
Alt 16.01.2025, 13:32
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AW: Re: AW: How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

Hi Nick,
 Zitat von spacious_mind Beitrag anzeigen
Also, I saw MAME4droid (0.139u1) APK and was wondering if playing original through Mame is an alternative?
if this MAME4droid is really based on MAME 0.139, then there's no chance to run any of the chess computers available in current MAME versions (or CB-Emu) - this ancient version contained only very few chess engines, and even those were not working correctly at this time.

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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (20.01.2025), spacious_mind (16.01.2025)
Alt 16.01.2025, 13:39
Benutzerbild von spacious_mind
spacious_mind spacious_mind ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: AW: How do you run Mess on an Android Tablet?

 Zitat von fhub Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Nick,

if this MAME4droid is really based on MAME 0.139, then there's no chance to run any of the chess computers available in current MAME versions (or CB-Emu) - this ancient version contained only very few chess engines, and even those were not working correctly at this time.

Hi Franz,

You are right,0.139 is an old version. There are newer versions. I thought I saw one yesterday that was created for Android 2 Core. I will have to search it again. My Tablet is an Android 2 Core.

Since my laptops are burning energy on other things I figured perhaps to configure the tablet to run the old programs so long as they play at 100%. Otherwise, it is only partially worth it.

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kamoj (20.01.2025)


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