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Alt 10.04.2020, 20:20
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DGT Centaur Invisible Circles

The problem with the DGT Centaur chess computer is that the illuminating LED circles that indicate the computers moved are also visible when not in use and spoil the whole appearance of the board. To eliminate this, just print a new overlay board from standard printing paper then cover with transparent self adhesive book cover film and the circles will disappears when unlit.

As I don't haven't a A2 printer, I have had to print four A4 sections of the board.

Stick them all together with transparent adhesive film on both sides.
You can now compare the new top board sitting on top of the original board.

Stick the new top board onto the original board using tiny pieces of double sided tape in each corner (smaller the better so as not to damage the original playing surface. Now you can see that the annoying unlit circles have disappeared.

Now check that that the LED circles are visible when you make a move which they are.

If I can make the unlit circles invisible then why didn't DGT??
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Eric1956 (18.04.2020), lars (11.04.2020), mclane (10.04.2020), Nisse (10.04.2020), RetroComp (10.04.2020)
Alt 10.04.2020, 20:25
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Bryan Whitby für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Eric1956 (18.04.2020), Mythbuster (10.04.2020), RetroComp (10.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 06:31
Benutzerbild von FütterMeinEgo
FütterMeinEgo FütterMeinEgo ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

DIY - nachdem man 350€ hingelegt hat?

Gut, dass das Ding nicht aus Holz ist, sonst müsstet Ihr noch das Schnitzen erlernen...
Wirkliche Anarchie kann nur funktionieren, wenn sich alle an die Regeln halten. (Horst Evers)
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Bryan Whitby (11.04.2020), Mythbuster (11.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 09:38
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles


I managed to buy it second hand for 230 euros but couldn't live with those terrible circles.

Yes I can already carve as you can see from my Novag Citrine

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Boris (15.04.2020), Egbert (11.04.2020), Eric1956 (18.04.2020), FütterMeinEgo (11.04.2020), jerazi (12.04.2020), marste (11.04.2020), mclane (11.04.2020), Mythbuster (11.04.2020), RetroComp (11.04.2020), Robert (12.04.2020), Sargon (12.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 09:45
Benutzerbild von Mythbuster
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

Hi Bryan,
you are an real artist!

Stay safe and happy Easter Regards,
This post may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
Copyright (c) 1967-2025. All rights reserved to make me feel special. :-)
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Bryan Whitby (11.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 09:50
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

Hello Bryan,

what a Beauty.

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Bryan Whitby (11.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 13:30
Benutzerbild von lars
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

Hi Bryan,

great work!

 Zitat von Bryan Whitby Beitrag anzeigen
If I can make the unlit circles invisible then why didn't DGT??
From what I understand, they've improved it in the latest models.

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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu lars für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Bryan Whitby (11.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 16:09
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

 Zitat von lars Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Bryan,

great work!

From what I understand, they've improved it in the latest models.

Hi Lars

Thank You.

Yes I know but it will be interesting to see how much the top board has been improved because this is what DGT advised me about the updated board.

Dear Bryan,
Thank you for your reply.
The circles on the square are less visible, but that doesn’t mean you see a solid white or grey square. It still looks great and works perfectly.
Best regards,
Rishma Koop | DGT
Customer Service

Only time will tell.
Stay safe.

Geändert von Bryan Whitby (11.04.2020 um 16:15 Uhr)
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Bryan Whitby für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mythbuster (11.04.2020)
Alt 11.04.2020, 16:17
Benutzerbild von FütterMeinEgo
FütterMeinEgo FütterMeinEgo ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

 Zitat von Bryan Whitby Beitrag anzeigen
If I can make the unlit circles invisible then why didn't DGT??
It's not a bug - it's a feature

The carved Citrine is a masterpiece - chapeau!
Wirkliche Anarchie kann nur funktionieren, wenn sich alle an die Regeln halten. (Horst Evers)
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Alt 11.04.2020, 19:55
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paulwise3 paulwise3 ist gerade online
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

 Zitat von FütterMeinEgo Beitrag anzeigen
It's not a bug - it's a feature
Just like the H8 bug
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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