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Alt 03.12.2024, 12:36
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Re: Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow Manual


On page 42 of the manual :

"The search depth had to be limited to 32 half-moves."

On page 32 :

"The search depth for the Shannon-B strategy is not displayed. It can be up to ten half-moves.


Geändert von Mychess (03.12.2024 um 12:42 Uhr)
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Alt 03.12.2024, 13:05
Jens H Jens H ist offline
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AW: Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow Manual

Thanks for your comment.
In the "Chess Problems" chapter, the manual says "Due to the computer’s memory capacity, the search depth had to be limited to 32 half-moves".
However, for finding a mate in 16, 31 half-moves would be sufficient.

Later, in the "Seeting the Search Depth" chapter, it says:
Due to the computer’s memory capacity, the search had to be limited to 31 half-moves. Thus, the program has the ability to solve mate problems up to 16 moves.

31 would perfectly fit to the claim that the actual search can be up to 10 half-moves higher than shown on the display: The 21 moves I noted above + (max.) 10 for additional selective search.

Therefore, let's agree on a max search depth of 31 :-)
In any case, I find it interesting how the programmers solved the display of the search depth.

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Alt 03.12.2024, 17:35
Tibono Tibono ist offline
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AW: Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow Manual

from the manual I stored, 5.14 Search Depth paragraph p. 36 (thus a different version), I quote: "The search depth for these
certain moves, the Shannon-B Strategy, is not displayed. It can be up to 10 or more half-moves."

Hence it could reach 32, the stated limit, even with "only" 21 half-moves of Shannon-A completed search.

Sorry, I don't keep track where from did I get this manual. Anyway should you like to get it, I uploaded it here.
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Alt 03.12.2024, 17:59
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Re: AW: Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow Manual


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Sorry, I don't keep track where from did I get this manual. Anyway should you like to get it, I uploaded it here.
On Zanchetta's site, Fidelity Elite AS english version (with numbered pages).

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kamoj (03.12.2024)
Alt 03.12.2024, 21:58
Jens H Jens H ist offline
Saitek Leonardo
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AW: Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow Manual

I know where you got this manual from :-)
Fidelity was very sloppy with its manuals, not everything written in them is correct. That's why I questioned the 32 half-moves, because it just doesn't seem logical to me.
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kamoj (03.12.2024), Tibono (04.12.2024)


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