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Alt 09.01.2020, 13:04
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Re: AW: MessChess und Hiarcs Chess Explorer

 Zitat von Nisse Beitrag anzeigen
Habe das Problem nun halt erstmal auf "brutale" Weise gelöst; Hiarcs für windows gekauft (25€) und die Engines in den Explorer kopiert.

Leider funktioniert das ChessLink beim PC nur mit USB Kabel, aber die ersten Partien mit Fidelity und MM1 haben auf dem Millennium Exclusive Brett schon Spass gemacht.

Jedoch zur Schalldämpfung des PC Lüfters, muss der Schlepptopp halt unter den Tisch gestellt (Ikea 30€) und der Plattenspieler angemacht werden.

Mission accomplished.

Nochmals ein grosses Danke an alle Helfer und ein hochachtungsvolles Bravo an den EMU-Großmeister Franz !

Bonne nuit

Willkommen zum forum =)

I'm not sure if Franz is an emulator programmer grandmaster (are you, fhub? )
Don't worry, I'm used to seeing people giving hochachtungsvolles Bravo to Franz and forget about everyone involved, I'm not offended. But let me explain a bit anyway.
MAME is an open source emulator: https://www.mamedev.org/ and https://github.com/mamedev
Several spin off projects (also called "forks") exists, CB-Emu is one of them, the chess emulators are from MAME.

The name "Mess" is from when MAME and MESS used to be separate projects. MAME was arcade, MESS was home systems. But they've combined a few years ago.

These days it's mostly Sandro and me writing the chess drivers. And of course with help from many other contributors. Including the people on this forum.
A lot more programmers in the past, such as Dirk Verwiebe(the first post in the huge forum thread is him).

fhub did a lot of work on the plugins though =) Based on Sandro's versions. They are for connecting the emulator with external chess UIs.
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