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Alt 04.03.2019, 18:19
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AW: Re: Oldies auf modernem PC installieren: Fragen über Fragen

 Zitat von spacious_mind Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Marco,

Ok the way I see it is that a Pentium 400 MHz has approx. 706 DMIPS. AMD K63 which is 450 MHz has 804 DMIPS. Which is +13.88% faster than the Pentium 400. You could get away with it I think with an I9. The cpu_cycles would have to be around 262,000 so to play this comfortably without spending a lot of money I would wait another year and perhaps do this in a future tournament. 14% speed increase amounts to approximately 11 ELO (using 80 as a doubling) so its not worth it at the moment. Perhaps take into consideration in the final scores a +/- 11 ELO instead when you compare the old lists.

Best regards
Hallo Nick
cpu_cycles 262.000 sind zu viele für meinen I7 3930k Esacore?
Wie kann ich das verstehen?
Es scheint gut zu funktionieren, was muss ich beachten?
Beste Grüße

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