Thema: Info: Berger is in the house
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Alt 18.01.2015, 01:17
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berger berger ist offline
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Re: Berger is in the house


Thanks for the welcome.

I've been using the nickname Berger for nearly 20 years. All my friends address me by that name (they nicknamed me in honor of the Formula 1 racer Gerhard Berger). But since I started with chess computers, and of course arrived at this great house, this nickname has created some confusion. Coincidentally in Germany there is a great chess computer technician whose last name is Berger. For this reason I think it would be best to use my real name, Gerardo, in this forum. At least I will sign all my posts with my real name, even if my username is "berger", to avoid confusing any user.

Well, I hope to contribute to the wiki with more information, apart from the pictures.

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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu berger für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Theo (18.01.2015)