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Alt 21.10.2014, 00:17
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Re: AW: Dem Täter auf der Spur

 Zitat von Solwac Beitrag anzeigen
This is not easy as there is no direkt comparision of instructions. The H8 can do more 16-bit, can do more bit manipulation, has MUL and DIV and is faster overall. One try:

The H8 ist faster per instruction, most need 2 states compared with 4+ on the Z80. A factor of 5 seems reasonable, this would take 10 states on a Z80 for simple instructions and 20 for more complicated ones.

A factor of 3 comes with clock speed so a H8 is 15 times faster in this calculation. If we take one doubling gives 50 to 100 Elo, this is about 200 to 400 Elo.

The Fidelity Voice Sensory Chess Challenger is given with 1394 Elo, adding the 200-400 for the faster chip this gives about 1600 to 1800 Elo compared to 1845 Elo for the Excalibur Igor. This seems reasonable.

The programs are different in size and can use varying memory 16+4 (ROM+RAM) K versus 32+1 K. Less RAM means less space for move lists so the older program cannot just be ported. I don't think a program from Nelson could be written for another processor and just a fourth of RAM with more ease than using another program or starting from scratch.
You cannot take the 1394 ELO. Because otherwise you will have to increase every computer in the Info Active list accordingly. You have to deduct 200 ELO from that. Active ELO is 1179 is really about the best you can do. Trust me I played U1400 tournaments with over 1000 games so I know these machines very well. So your logic would really not get it higher than about 1500 elo max.

ps... and they wouldn't achieve even that. They lack in many games the ability to find a plan and settle instead with draws by 3x repetition (even with a huge piece majority) and they have total inability to check mate from positions that even 1500 elo computers would find. So even 1500 ELO in true practice with speed doubling is too high.

Geändert von spacious_mind (21.10.2014 um 00:24 Uhr)
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