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Alt 19.10.2014, 20:51
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Re: AW: Dem Täter auf der Spur

 Zitat von mclane Beitrag anzeigen
Ron Nelson had a chess program for Z80A. this is in many older dedicated chess computers we know.

in the end it was in sensory voice

Fidelity Voice Sensory Chess Challenger

then came spracklen.
they used the same body and put in the 6502 motherboard and sold the machine as

Fidelity Champion Sensory Chess Challenger

So what do you expect ron nelson to do ? throw his chess program into
the trash bin ?

of course not.
he made backups and waited until he could refurbish it.

and the day came.

a new company was founded. with the rest of the old company.
now if you have less money, would you BUY another program or take the program you have in your desk for free because you wrote it yourself ??
Come on, how do you think he managed to get a 1000 ELO Program up to 1900 with his old Challenger program? If he did he would have used them on the weaker computers instead of using David Levy's.
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