Thema: Frage: GK-2100 info at Wiki
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Alt 22.05.2012, 07:48
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Frage GK-2100 info at Wiki

Hi all!

I took a look not so long and saw that its opening book size is claimed as 30.000 half-moves, but all its clones show 6.000 - so my question is which information is correct and where it comes from (manual, prospekt, etc.)?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Also one more thing to ask about these Morsch's clone army: how its possible to have one device with 32kb ROM and 6.000 Hm book and other with 35.000 Hm book but ROM size still 32kb (MM-VI)? I always thought there must be additional ROM to have more space for storing a larger book... (like MM-V and HG-550 for example or Master Chess that has 64kb ROM)
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