Thema: Turnier: Die Klasse von 1984
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Alt 23.04.2008, 00:37
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AW: Die Klasse von 1984

Hallo Peter,

Wie immer super berichte von dir

Hier ist ein bischen mehr information was ich heute per e-mail von die Person die mir das Capablanca modul geschickt hatte zum Testen. Ich glaube ein paar sachen hier sind interessant und gut zu wissen, wenn man es nicht vorher wusste:

Ich lasse es original auf englisch:

"I am of course no complete authority on these systems, but I did have the original GGM and the original three modules back in the early '80's before the modules were improved at a later date to have the capacity for several levels to keep an actual time control. My modules did not have any such levels. The Morphy and Capablanca I have now do, however."

Interessant das es verschiedene versionen von Capablanca, Morphy und vielleicht auch Gruenfeld gab das wusste ich nicht vorher das es aeltere Module gibt die weniger Levels haben.

"As I undestand it, the first product Applied Concepts made in an attempt to boost their flagging sales, because people were balking at the extreme expense of the MGS/GGM and ALL the modules a person needed to have in order to have the current state of the art, was the Morphy Encore. It is of course a stand-alone and does not utilize modules but is supposed to have the best features of Morphy, Capablanca, and Gruenfeld combined in one machine and at a much lower p rice than the modular systems. This was for the people who hadn't already purchased an MGS/GGM and yet wanted the strength of all the modules currently available for the MGS. It wasn't long before the people who already had plunked down the major ducats for a MGS/GGM started protesting the cost of all the modules needed for it, so they developed the Steinitz, as you described the process for that, which was basically the same thing as the Morphy Encore in module form, since it ALSO incorporated all the best features of Morphy, Capablanca, and Gruenfeld."

Auch interessant das der Morphy Encore vielleicht anders von der staerke ist als das Morphy Module. Wenn ich das obige lese dann waere es auch moeglich das Steinitz Module und Morphy Encore sich aehlich sind.



Geändert von spacious_mind (23.04.2008 um 00:41 Uhr)
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