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Re: TheKing v Chessnut Evo Maia Level 9

Game 8/10
[Event "TheKing V Evo Maia L9 Master Book"]
[Round "8"]
[White "MaiaL9"]
[Black "TheKing 30s/move"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B10"]

1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.11/25} ( {Theoretical move is} 3.Nf3 $1 ) ( {Or} 3.d4 $1 ) ( 3.Nf3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.25/22} 3...Nf6 4.e5 Ne4 5.d4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 e6 7.c4 c5 8.Be2 cxd4 9.O-O Nc6 10.Nxd4 Be7 11.cxd5 exd5 12.Bb5 Qc7 13.c4 dxc4 14.f4 O-O 15.Bxc4 Nxd4 ) 3...d4 4.Ne4 Nd7 5.f4 f5 6.Ng5 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/24} ( 6.Nf2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.54/22} 6...e6 7.c3 Nb6 8.Nf3 dxc3 9.dxc3 Qxd1+ 10.Kxd1 Be7 11.Be2 Bd7 12.b3 h5 13.Bd2 O-O-O 14.c4 Kb8 15.Kc2 c5 16.Rhd1 Nh6 17.Nd3 ) 6...Nb6 7.b3 e6 8.Bb2 Ne7 9.Qh5+ g6 10.Qh4 Ned5 11.Qg3 Nb4 12.O-O-O Nxa2+ 13.Kb1 Nb4 14.N1f3 d3 15.c3 Qd5 16.Nd4 c5 $1 17.cxb4 cxd4 18.Qxd3 Bxb4 19.Qxd4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.46/25} ( 19.g4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/22} 19...Qxh1 20.Qxd4 O-O 21.Qxb4 Qxh2 22.Qd6 fxg4 23.Bb5 Rf5 24.Qd8+ Rf8 25.Qd6 ) 19...Qxd4 20.Bxd4 Bd7 21.Bc4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.22/22} ( 21.Kb2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.36/22} 21...h6 22.Nf3 Kf7 23.h4 Bc6 24.h5 gxh5 25.Be2 Nd5 26.g3 a5 27.Ra1 Rhd8 28.Rh4 Be7 29.Rxh5 Nxf4 30.gxf4 Bxf3 31.Bxf3 Rxd4 32.Rxh6 Rxd2+ 33.Kc1 Bb4 34.Bh5+ Kg7 35.Rg6+ Kh7 36.Rxe6 Rc8+ 37.Kb1 Rc3 ) 21...Nxc4 22.bxc4 h6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.03/25} ( 22...b5 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.41/21} 23.cxb5 h6 24.Nf3 Bxb5 25.Kb2 Bc6 26.Ra1 Bxf3 27.gxf3 Bxd2 28.Ra6 Kf7 29.Rha1 Rhe8 30.Rxa7+ Rxa7 31.Rxa7+ Re7 32.Rxe7+ Kxe7 33.Kb3 Bxf4 34.h3 Kf7 35.Kc3 g5 36.Kc4 Ke8 37.Bc3 Ke7 38.Kd4 Bg3 39.Kd3 Kf7 40.Ke2 Kg6 ) 23.Nf3 Ba4 24.Rc1 Bc6 25.Kc2 O-O-O $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.50/23} ( 25...Kf7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -1.00/21} 26.Bc3 Be7 27.Nd4 Bxg2 28.Rhg1 Be4+ 29.d3 Bc6 30.Nxc6 bxc6 31.Rb1 g5 32.Rb7 a5 33.d4 Rhb8 34.Rxb8 Rxb8 35.Bxa5 gxf4 36.Bd2 f3 37.Rf1 Ra8 38.Rxf3 Ra2+ 39.Kd3 Bg5 40.Bf4 Bxf4 41.Rxf4 Rxh2 42.Ke3 Rh3+ 43.Ke2 ) 26.Be3 Rh7 27.Nd4 $1 Ba4+ $1 28.Kb2 Bxd2 $1 29.Bxd2 Rxd4 30.Be3 Rd3 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/25} ( 30...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.72/24} 31.Bxa7 Rxf4 32.Bb6 Kd7 33.g3 Re4 34.Rhe1 Rxe1 35.Rxe1 Rh8 36.Be3 g5 37.h4 f4 38.gxf4 g4 39.Rg1 Rg8 40.Rg3 h5 41.Kc3 Rf8 42.Bc5 Rxf4 43.Rd3+ Kc7 ) 31.Bxa7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.95/24} ( 31.Rc3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.30/25} 31...Rxc3 32.Kxc3 a6 33.Rg1 Rc7 34.Bb6 Rg7 35.Ra1 Bc6 36.Rd1 Rd7 37.Rxd7 Kxd7 38.g3 g5 39.Bc5 g4 40.Kb4 h5 41.Ka5 Be4 42.Kb6 Ke8 43.Bd6 Kf7 44.Kc5 Kg6 45.Kb6 h4 46.gxh4 ) 31...Rhd7 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.39/24} ( 31...b6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: -0.95/24} 32.c5 b5 33.Bb6 Rhd7 34.Rc3 Rd2+ 35.Ka3 R7d4 36.c6 Rxf4 37.Be3 b4+ 38.Kxa4 bxc3+ 39.Bxf4 Rd4+ 40.Kb3 Rxf4 41.Kxc3 Re4 42.Rd1 Rxe5 43.Rd7 Re2 44.Rg7 g5 45.Kb4 Rxg2 46.Kc5 Rxh2 47.Rg8+ Kc7 48.Rg7+ Kd8 49.Rg8+ Ke7 50.c7 Rc2+ 51.Kb6 e5 52.c8=Q Rxc8 53.Rxc8 g4 54.Rc7+ Kf6 55.Rc6+ Kg5 ) 32.Rc3 Rd2+ 33.Ka3 Bc6 34.Rg1 g5 35.Be3 Re2 36.fxg5 hxg5 37.Bxg5 Bxg2 38.h4 Bc6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/25} ( 38...Rd4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/24} 39.h5 Rg4 40.Bf6 Be4 41.Rgg3 Rh2 42.Rh3 Rgg2 43.h6 f4 44.h7 Bxh7 45.Rxh2 Rxh2 46.Rf3 Kc7 47.Kb4 Rb2+ 48.Kc3 Rc2+ 49.Kb4 Rb2+ ) 39.h5 Rxe5 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/17} ( 39...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.32/21} 40.Kb4 Rg4 41.Rcg3 Rdd4 42.Kc5 Kc7 43.Rxg4 Rxg4 44.Rxg4 fxg4 45.Kd4 Be8 46.h6 Bg6 47.Bh4 Kb6 48.Bf2 Kc6 49.Bg3 Bf5 50.Bf2 Kd7 51.Ke3 Kc6 52.Kf4 ) 40.h6 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/20} ( 40.Bf4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/17} 40...Ra5+ 41.Kb4 Ra4+ 42.Kb3 b5 43.cxb5 Rxf4 44.bxc6 Rf7 45.Rg8+ Kc7 46.Ra8 Kd6 47.c7 Rxc7 48.Rxc7 Kxc7 49.h6 Rh4 50.h7 Rxh7 51.Ra7+ Kc6 52.Rxh7 Kd5 53.Kc2 Ke4 54.Kd2 e5 ) 40...Ra5+ $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +3.07/18} ( 40...Re4 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.23/20} 41.Kb4 Rh7 42.Rf3 Kd7 43.Rf4 Rxf4 44.Bxf4 Ke7 45.Kc3 e5 46.Rg7+ Rxg7 47.hxg7 Kf7 48.Bxe5 f4 49.Kd3 Kg8 50.Bd4 Kf7 51.Ke2 Be4 ) 41.Kb4 b6 42.Bf6 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.85/18} ( 42.Rh3 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +2.35/18} 42...Ra4+ 43.Kb3 b5 44.cxb5 Rda7 45.Rc3 Ra3+ 46.Kc2 Rxc3+ 47.Kxc3 Bf3 48.Kd4 Rf7 49.Bf4 Bg4 50.Ke5 Kd8 51.Rc1 Rd7 ) 42...f4 43.Rh3 Be4 44.Rh4 $2 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.43/18} ( 44.Rg7 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +1.64/17} 44...Bh7 45.Be7 Bf5 46.h7 Bxh7 47.Rhxh7 Ra1 48.Kb5 Rb1+ 49.Bb4 Rxg7 50.Rxg7 Kd8 51.Rf7 e5 52.Rf5 Kd7 53.Rxe5 f3 54.Re7+ Kc8 ) 44...e5 45.Re1 Bh7 46.Rxe5 Rf7 47.Rxf4 $6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: 0.00/19} ( 47.Re6 {Deep HIARCS 15.3: +0.35/20} 47...f3 48.Rh2 Rf5 49.Re8+ Kb7 50.Bd4 Rf4 51.Be3 Rg4 52.Rb2 Rd7 53.Rf8 Bd3 54.Rd2 Rxc4+ 55.Kb3 Rh4 56.Rxf3 Bc4+ 57.Kc3 Rxd2 58.Bxd2 Be6 ) 47...Rxf6 48.Rxf6 Rxe5 49.Rxb6 Rh5 50.Rf6 Kd8 51.c5 Ke7 52.Rd6 Bf5 53.Kb5 Be6 54.Kb6 Rxh6 55.Rd4 Bd5+ 56.Kb5 Ke6 57.c6 Ke5 58.c7 Rc6 59.Ra4 Rxc7 60.Kb6 Rc3 61.Ra5 Kd6 62.Kb5 Rb3+ 63.Ka4 Rb1 64.Ka3 Ke5 65.Ka4 Kd4 66.Ka3 Kc3 {M7 White loses 0.11 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 7 inaccuracies), Black loses 0.14 pawn per move (2 mistakes, 5 inaccuracies).} 0-1

In this game they played the Caro-Kann Defence and neither side achieving greatness with TheKing wining just by making two less inaccuracies according to DH15. That’s not bad going for Maia!
Where one side had a slight positional advantage it required a much deeper search than either were able to manage for them to benefit. The final decision came in how well the end game was managed.

In the following position at move 55 with White to move the endgame database reveals the result is a draw:

Neither engine uses EGDB’s so their moves were down to knowledge and depth of search. In these positions I suspect TheKing has the advantage as it’s not limited to search depth other than by time constraints. It was not until move 66 when TheKing saw a mating sequence in 7 moves.

An interesting game that could have easily ended up in a draw but a win is a win.
Current score 7 – 1 to TheKing
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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mapi (05.04.2024), Michael (05.04.2024)