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Alt 30.03.2024, 23:26
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Mephisto Wundermaschine
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von AlexS Beitrag anzeigen
One fast automated game. Ivan as black, level 92, speed 500%. Ivan reached the timecontrol at move 34, then it claims "time" and resets the clock to zero.
Hi Alex,

Using the emulator, an easy way to have Ivan overstep its time control: set level to 90 (60/60), the fastest tournament level available. Set high speed and frameskip 10. Start a new game; if CHESS is displayed press clear to start the clock but don't enter any move (you are the white player). Let the clock displayed by Ivan reach close to 59 minutes, anyway less than one hour (this would need few minutes thanks to the high speed).

Then immediately press move to switch sides (if using Arena+messchess, use the relevant Arena button). Play unusual black opening move(s) such as Na6 to have Ivan think out of book; you can see it has inherited the elapsed time from the white clock. Therefore, overstep will occur soon and the clock will reset to zero. This does not prevent game continuation, and repeating the time control from scratch after a clock reset is by design of the computer, not an issue from the emulation.

If Ivan loses on time, I think this results from the Arena GUI you are using, please see the Option tab in the tournament setting, and make sure you uncheck "Autoflag". There is also a global "Autoflag" setting in the main options menu of Arena, to be unchecked for manual games against any emulated chess computer (as Arena's and chess computer's level settings are unrelated). Another option can be setting a much larger time control on Arena than the one on the emulated computer.

Hope this helps,
All the best,
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AlexS (31.03.2024), berger (30.03.2024), kamoj (01.04.2024)