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Alt 17.12.2004, 17:50
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
Schachcomputer Koryphäe
Registriert seit: 28.11.2004
Ort: Dussen
Alter: 51
Beiträge: 1.659
Abgegebene Danke: 433
Erhielt 649 Danke für 241 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
1/20 20/20
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0/3 sssss1659
introduction Sargon

Hello , i am Hans van Mierlo from Holland. I'm 32 years old single and i live in a small village called Dussen. mine first contact with chesscomp. wher arround when i was 9 years old ,i played at a chessclub with a friend and his dad did have a chesscomputer . many saterday's i was there playing with it ,so mine mom asked him to buy for me a comp. for mine birthday . It was the meph.mondial .from that moment i was obsessed from the chesscomputers .now i am looking first to get the strongest computers ,then other interesting comp. mine last buy is a avant garde a/s wich i let change to a version 11 72mhz .
here is mine list of chesscompuers ,meph. T.M. Vancouver 32bit eprom londen-meph. Magellan-meph.Polgar 20mhz-meph.Montreux 2mb-meph.mondial-meph.Risc 1mb eprom risc2-meph.Milano pro-meph.Academy-meph.mm 1 - meph.polgar-meph.mm 4-meph.rebel 5.0- saitek Turbo King-saitek Renainssance SPARC-Tasc R30 2,2 -Tasc R30 2.2 +eprom 2.5 -saitek Gallieo-novag Super Expert C 6mhz-novag Star Diamond-fidelity Avant Garde A/S getting to a version 11 72mhz i think i have them all now chessfriends best regards Hans
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